
May 12, 2013

Join Tables Relationships with SQL

My previous post Database Design Create Tables and Relationships with SQL. This post is sequel how to join these tables and displaying proper data. I had used these SQL statements at

database design

Data relations between users and friends tables. Take a look at the following SQL statement users table object a and friends table object b . Here friend_one = '1' refers to users table user_id value.
SELECT a.username,
FROM users a, friends b
WHERE a.user_id = b.friend_two
AND b.friend_one = '1'
AND b.role = 'fri'
ORDER BY b.friend_id DESC
LIMIT 30 ;
labs.9lessons friends
PHP Code
Contains PHP code. Displaying username srinivas friends results
$user_id='1'; // User table user_id value
$friends_sql=mysql_query("SELECT a.username, FROM users a, friends b WHERE a.user_id = b.friend_two AND b.friend_one = '$user_id' AND b.role = 'fri' ORDER BY b.friend_id DESC LIMIT 30");
$lowercase = strtolower($email);
$image = md5($lowercase);
$avatar =''.$image;

<a href="/<?php echo $title; ?>" title="<?php echo $title; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $avatar; ?>" border="0"/></a>


Data relations between users, updates and friends tables. Take a look at the following SQL statement users table object a , updates table object b and friends table object c . Here friend_one = '1' refers to users table user_id value.
SELECT a.username,, b.update_id, b.update, b.time, b.vote_up, b.vote_down
FROM users a, updates b, friends c
WHERE b.user_id_fk = a.user_id
AND c.friend_one = '1'
AND b.user_id_fk = c.friend_two
ORDER BY b.update_id DESC

PHP Code
Contains PHP code. Displaying username srinivas homeline updates
$user_id='1'; // User table user_id value
$update_sql=mysql_query("SELECT a.username,, b.update_id, b.update, b.time, b.vote_up, b.vote_down FROM users a, updates b, friends c WHERE b.user_id_fk = a.user_id AND c.friend_one = '$user_id' AND b.user_id_fk = c.friend_two ORDER BY b.update_id DESC LIMIT 15");

$lowercase = strtolower($email);
$image = md5($lowercase);
$avatar =''.$image;

//Update HTML tags filter
$htmldata = array ("<", ">");
$htmlreplace = array ("&lt;","&gt;");
$final_update = str_replace($htmldata, $htmlreplace, $update);

// Updates Results Display here


Data relations between users and comments tables. Take a look at the following SQL statement users table object a and comments table object b . Here update_id_fk = '2' refers to updates table update_id value.
SELECT a.username,, b.comment_id, b.comment, b.time
FROM users a, comments b
WHERE b.user_id_fk = a.user_id
AND b.update_id_fk = '2'
ORDER BY b.comment_id;

Hope you like this. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

it shows some kind of error, please help me

Nishant Kondal said...

email me your web address, i'll check it first, and after that i'll try to help you

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